Taking Care of God’s Temple

I had my 2 month post-op appointment with Dr, Cheregi on Friday & I was a little nervous because I stalled this month and didn’t lose any weight for nearly three weeks. Fortunately, I was able to lose 6 lbs in the last week or so. My doctor quickly reminded me that this is a marathon not a sprint and that 6-10 pounds a month is the perfect speed.

As we all know fad diets may work in the beginning but you end up gaining all the weight back (plus more). This is a complete lifestyle change. So far I have made changes to:

  • When I eat – Only when I am hungry
  • How often I eat – 3 meals/day & 1 snack MAX
  • What I eat – Protein first, then veggies, fruit & starches (in that order)
  • How much I eat – 4oz at a time
  • Eliminated ALL carbonated beverages & straws
  • Cut way back on my caffeine consumption – 2-3 cups/week instead of 2-3 cups/day
  • How often I exercise – 3-5 days/week
  • Type of exercise – Water aerobics, walking on the inside track at the gym, next week I will be adding a day or two of strength training & weights
  • Sleeping better
  • I can order off the children’s menu and still take food home (I am a cheap date)
  • I am wearing clothes that used to be way in the back of my closet & have a pile of things that I will NEVER wear again. I am taking them to the thrift store this week!

I say all that to say that I am down 51 lbs and over 30% of the way to my goal. GOD IS GOOD!!!

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;  you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV

#BGBG2 #BibleGatewayPartner


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