Time – Five Minute Friday #1

Right before the holiday break I was introduced to Kate Motaung and her Five Minute Friday Blogging Community. Each week we are given a one-word prompt and we then set a timer and write (unedited) for five minutes. Participants then share their writing on the FMF Blog as well as their own blog. I’m excited to share my first attempt.*


What is time?  For us humans, it is how we mark the passing of days and weeks and years.  But for God, it is completely different. Because you see, God lives outside of time and space. His “world” is very different from how we see things. How can things be “on-time” or “late if you have no concept of time? God may be outside of time, but His TIMING is always perfect. Never early & never late. Perfect.!! His timing is perfect because He is perfect. 

So my friends as we mark time on earth, remember that our human life will be but a moment in the eternity in His presence that is to come. 

How do you view time? Do you have too much? Not enough? Are you always early? Always late? 

Do you take time to truly love on others? To spend time with God in prayer? To be obedient to God?


*Yes I know that this is being posted on Saturday instead of Friday!! It’s been a crazy week!!


  1. Welcome to FMF. Great post and introspective questions, one of which I have been pondering myself as I set goals for 2021. One area where I believe God would have me spend more “time” is in the area of encouraging others. It might be cards, phone calls, a visit (when that’s allowed), a meal, or an impromptu gift. I have purposed in my heart to follow God’s prompting when He helps me see someone who needs encouragement.

    ~ Cindie, visiting from FMF #57

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  2. these are great questions to ponder. thank you for posing them. for me time is created by God to serve and glorify God. so my hope and desire is to use the time He has given me to serve Him well and those He has entrusted to me. 🙂

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  3. Aaah….just what I needed to read Barb….
    God is outside of time and space.
    I’m learning to go with the flow…living for the moment and letting go …..it feels strangely free and so happy …and nothing really seems to really much bother me….

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