Three Weeks Down – Eleven to Go

I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on what has been happening since our center re-opened for in-person learing at the beginning of the month.

I may start and end my day on the bus but that’s not the whole story. In-between routes I get to:

  • Take classes outside for a walk or to play on the playground
  • Help serve lunch/snack
  • Supervise naptime
  • Provide additional classroom support
  • Be the library lady
  • Prepare art projects
  • Wash & sanitize the cot sheets & used masks

I had not realized how much I missed being with the kiddos. I absolutely love hearing the sounds of children in the building again and seeing the smiles on their faces as they learn new things and make new friends.

There is some exciting news too! I am now driving a brand new bus! Trusty Bus #4 has been retired (aka spare) and replaced by Bus #13.

As bus driver & bus attendant, Yeymi & I are also tasked with utilizing our travel time to enhance the children’s learning. We play games that encourage the kids to count things we see along our route, or find specific colors, numbers or letters. One goal that we have established is for every student to be able to buckle and unbuckle their seat belts. To encourage them to participate, Thursday is “sticker-day”. Every child who buckles themselves for the ride home gets their choice of the stickers from my stash. So far, all but one of the kiddos has learned to buckle themselves in. Next we will work on unbuckling.

Our seats are similar to this one.


  1. First time visiting, so good to meet you…Being a bus driver for small children can be a challenging job, yet rewarding. It’s all in your perspective and your passion in what God you to do….to be a servant at heart.
    I would enjoy listening to the chatter and laughter of the innocense of children.
    You mentioned learning to buckle and unbuckle seatbelts….in a bus? I didn’t know they finally installed them in busses, or is it just the Head Start busses? I always wondered why they didn’t have them in regular school busses. By the way, stickers is a great idea. Kids love stickers…Anyway take care and God bless.

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      • Interesting. I think all buses should have seatbelts. I used to drive a bus at a senior retirement community center. The first time driving a vehicle that big was so intimidating. I got used to it eventually. Those buses had seatbelts for sure. I was driving ‘precious cargo’ to their destinations.

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      • Actually Barb I’m pretty sure I did get a response, so no need for an apology. Sometimes I get double msgs from WP, when I already had the responding comment. A glitch maybe? Anyway, blessings to you and yours in the Lord. ♡

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      • Funny, I’ve been having promptings from the Lord specifically about McHenry, IL. Today, I have had several! I am praying about it, as it has been strange and happening sporadically since early 2020.

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        • Interesting post Amber. What kind of promptings from the Lord , if I may ask? I would be honored to pray for you. I love praying for people if they are open to have others intercede. Only God knows how to work it out for your best, but He’s on the lookout for willing vessels to serve Him and give Him glory. Take care and God bless. ♡

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          • Thank you! Possibly moving there. We have absolutely no desire to move back to IL. We’ve been in WI about 7 years. We love where we are now, but God keeps prompting me in prayer, listening to sermons, or even a post like this! My fears settle in thinking of moving to Illinois, as there are more restrictions, higher taxes, and a multitude of family concerns. Prayer for direction and for leadership on my husband’s part, as he has not felt the same way. I completely respect that, as he’s the leader of our household. I just don’t understand why these promptings keep coming. A mentor of mine told me last year to keep praying on it, as it may just not be the right time, but God wants me to keep turning to Him on it.

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            • Amen Amber. We are one family through Christ Jesus, so as your sister in Christ, I am with you in respecting my husband as the Spiritual leader in our marriage, and when he got the prompting back in 1997 to move to Portland, Oregon, we moved. There were the details that needed to be done, of couse, but God was in the details. We moved and had no particular destination except Portland. No jobs, no place, except we lived in our RV vehicle in an RV park. We had enough cash on hand for staying there a couple months until we found a place to live, trusting God every step of the way. We met ALOT of resistance along the way, (the enemy of our souls will try to thwart Gods plan), but my husband was moving in faith and the Spirit was with him. It was scary fo me, but at the of the proverbial day, we grew up in our spirits in every trial we met. We had alot to learn, but 33 years and many chapters later, we are where we’re supposed to be (Medford Oregon) until my husband hears differently…..

              I will keep you and yours in prayer and trust that our Heavenly Father will lead, guide and protect you, and answer your prayers in a most surprising way, in Jesus name, Amen.♡

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              • Thanks for sharing your story of trust and faithfulness!! What a destination, especially for a time like this. I pray God continues to use you and your husband in that area. I appreciate the prayers.

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                • 😊 Absolutely Amber. I oftentimes reflect upon the Book of Acts, and how the diciples, and Paul with all the challenges and resistance they met, being bold and courageous, kept the faith….When I think back to our days in 1997, I was a baby Christian. There were a few times I wanted to turn back, but my husband kept reminding me of the Apostle Paul, how he never gave up. That would always bring me back to my faith; and if God was for us, who could be against us? So each day we grew stronger in our faith and walk with God. We took our time getting there from Fresno, broke down along the way a third of the way in Oregon, and were confronted by complete strangers and told to go back home. We didn’t know at the time that anyone with California plates on their cars driving to Oregon were not welcomed. As strange as all these happenings were, we made it, 24 years ago today. It was quite a trip.

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                  • Wow, what a journey! Even being told to turn back! Thanks for sharing this! Yes, we’ve had some EXTREMELY challenging circumstances just in the past few years, but God has been faithful, and we keep stepping out in obedience. The enemy, I’m sure, is furious, but by now I hope he’s realized no matter what happens in our lives- whether it’s physical, mental, or other, we’re not backing down. We’re pushing forward in Jesus’name!

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