Bloganuary – Day 1

Today I came across this challenge on Waking up on the Wrong Side of 50 and decided to give it a go. Each day of January participants are emailed a thought provoking question that can be turned into a blog post.


What would I tell my teenage self?

If I could have a heart-to-heart conversation with the teenager named Barbi, I would tell her the following:

  1. Learn better study habits.
  2. Your mom is one of the wisest people you will ever know. Heed her instructions and you will save yourself a considerable amount of pain.
  3. Read scripture & pray daily.
  4. God’s opinion of your self-worth is the only one that matters and He thinks you are an amazing young woman!
  5. Family relationships are harder to maintain than you think.

To sign-up, click the following link – BLOGANUARY.



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