To My Love on Our 10th Anniversary*

*We have now been married for over 25 years

September 2004

My Dearest Michael,

It’s hard to believe that we have been married 10 years today. Who would have thought that our lives would change so much.

Ten years ago, we were both working in corporate America with dreams of climbing that corporate ladder.

Today, I am a stay-at-home mom with two beautiful children that give me more satisfaction than any high paying job ever could. Instead of a big paycheck at the end of the week, I am paid everyday with hugs and kisses, bouquets of dandelions and pictures drawn just for me.

Ten years ago, we thought that little house on Jefferson Street would be enough.

Today, we live in a bigger home that is filled with love & warmth. It is filled with laughter of our children and the love we share.

Ten years ago, we never thought we would have to weather some of the storms that have come our way.

Today, we stand stronger and more in love because of the things we have both been through.

I love you with all my heart and look forward to the next 10…20…30 years.

Love Always & Forever (plus one day),


January 2020


  1. Looking back to those 10 years, we had no idea what trials really were. However, it was a good testing grounds on which we built our faith, and learned to trust and lean on God. I have been blessed by Him, with you.

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