Cut It Out ✂️

I realized a few weeks ago that I had way too much on my plate. While all my projects, groups & involvements were “good” things I felt God calling me to pair down my commitments.

I let God wield the sword. Once things were clear in my mind, I shared my thoughts with my husband, Michael. He was fully supportive of the plan & encouraged me to move forward. Over the next couple of days I nervously notified the affected people & organizations of the change. Without fail, everyone was understanding & supportive.

I appreciate the godly attitude and well wishes that were shared with me.

This whole process reminds me of John 15:4 (NIV) “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”

As I continue to abide in Christ this year, my prayer is that my life will reflect Him more and more with each passing day.


  1. Barb, this is the second post I’ve read this morning that referenced John 15:1-4!

    As long as we abide in Christ we are safe. Regardless of what happens around us, He will see us through.

    Kudos to you for paring down your schedule and commitments. I’m glad people understand.


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  2. Good on you Barb for knowing that your commitments needed a rethink with how much you take on.
    I learnt over time to understand how much I am able to take on and enjoy serving in and it has been so good.
    Glad that the people understood.

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  3. Amen. I am glad to read it. I often struggle that I have too many things on my schedule. Also in terms of writing projects. Your blog teaches me a lesson. Thank you for it.

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  4. Years ago I was more of a “Martha” than a “Mary.” One day I was reciting my litany of “irons in the fire” to a friend, who instead of being impressed or sympathetic, responded with exaggerated(sarcastic) enthusiasm, “You know, if you were to add just a couple more things to your schedule ….”
    “Yes?” I asked eagerly.
    “You just might reach the point of total ineffectiveness!”

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  5. Barb, this is a continual battle for me. God is working things out and other things in. Thank you for sharing your testimony. And good job on drawing healthy boundaries on your time!!
    Love you friend!


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  6. Oh wow, this is VERY timely for me to read. I’ve been praying about something I need to cut out, too. It’s a good ministry, but before I say yes to a different good thing, I need to end the season with this other thing first. This is a wonderful nudge from the Lord to me.

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