The Rock, the Road & the Rabbi by Kathie Lee Gifford & Rabbi Jason Sobel [REVIEW]

Several years ago I participated in a study of That the World May Know book and video series by Ray Vander Laan.

Vander Laan has always believed that to more greatly understand and appreciate the Bible, one had to have a sense of the land and the culture from which it sprang. Biblical analogies and examples, while meaningful and helpful even to this day, were first meant to convey God’s truth to particular people in a particular time and place. So the more fully we can appreciate those times and places, the more fully we can respond to the power of the Word.

So in 1992 Ed Prince generously offered to underwrite the development of a film series that would capture Vander Laan’s teachings to make them available to a wider audience. Director Bob Garner was secured, massive cameras were shipped to Israel, the first 5 sets were produced, and the broader church ate them up. Focus on the Family experienced a hunger for the series unlike anything they had ever seen. And that hunger has continued.

The series definitely ignited my hunger to know more about the historical context of Biblical stories as well as understanding the difference between my English translation and the intention of the authors in the original Greek or Hebrew.


I was invited to be part of the 6-week online study of The Rock, the Road & the Rabbi presented by Bible Gateway

In this study Kathy Lee Gifford takes the knowledge that she gleaned by being part of a Ray Vander Laan tour and her friendship with Rabbi Jason Sobel to “create” a new kind of study.

I love that prior to the official start of the study we were given an optional 7-day devotional to kick start the learning process.

There was also a weekly hands-on activity to aid in driving the point home.


Connect deeper with the Bible and your faith as Kathie Lee Gifford journeys with Messianic Rabbi Jason Sobel through Israel, studying the Bible in its Hebrew context.

As a lifelong student of Scripture, Kathie Lee Gifford has always desired a deeper understanding of God’s Word and a deeper knowledge of God Himself. But it wasn’t until she began studying the biblical texts in their original Hebrew and Greek—along with actually hiking the ancient paths of Israel—that she found the fulfillment of those desires.

Now you can walk with Kathie on a journey through the spiritual foundations of her faith:

  • The Rock (Jesus Christ): Hear directly from Kathie about her life-changing and ever-deepening connection with Jesus, the Lover of her soul.
  • The Road (Israel): Explore dozens of ancient landmarks and historical sites from Israel, the promised land of God’s covenant.
  • The Rabbi (God’s Word): Go beyond a Sunday-school approach to the Bible by digging into the original languages and deeper meanings of the Holy Scriptures.

As you journey through The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi, you’ll also find additional content from Messianic Rabbi Jason Sobel throughout the book. Jason’s insight into the Hebrew language, culture, and heritage will open your eyes to the Bible like never before.

Come! Begin your journey toward a deeper faith through The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi.


WEEK 1 – Bethlehem: Where it All Began

WEEK 2 – Nazareth: The Early Years

WEEK 3 – Capernaum: Ministry Headquarters

WEEK 4 – Galilee: Ministry Grounds

WEEK 5 – Mount of Olives: The Triumpful Entry

WEEK 6 – Jerusalem: Crucifixion & Resurrection

I anxiously awaited the lesson for each week and I was humbled each and every time as I realized just how much I didn’t know.

One thing is for sure, now more than ever, I want to travel to The Holy Land. How about you?

#BGBG2 #BibleGatewayPartner #KathyLeeGifford #RabbiJasonSobel #TheRockTheRoadAndTheRabbi #FaithGateway #ThatTheWorldMayKnow #RayVanderLaan


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