Journey Through the Dark Night: Messages of Hope From the Morning by Jennifer Arimborgo [REVIEW]


“Something’s very wrong with Lily.” These words marked the beginning of a crisis that would forever mark the hearts of the Arimborgo family. On that unforgettable night, their youngest daughter had a seizure and nearly died. She remained in a coma for seventeen days, fighting for her life. This book tells the story of her miracle.

Victory is the sweetest following a long dark night of battle.

Israel and Jennifer endured one of the most painful trials a parent could face. In their darkest moments, however, God showed up for them. Jennifer opens up here about both her deepest anguish and how she found strength in Him during that time. Alongside each part of the gripping narration, she shares messages of hope that will strengthen you during your own dark night. Joy came in the morning for the Arimborgos. Jennifer records this experience to bring powerful reassurance to your heart: morning light is on the way for you, too!


Victory is the sweetest when it follows a battle through a long dark night.

God is GOOD!


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