Harmonies of Faith by Anne Boyette [REVIEW]


‘HARMONIES OF FAITH” offers a compelling exploration into the heart of Southern Gospel Music, a genre steeped in rich history and profound spirituality. This book weaves the tapestry of Southern Gospel’s evolution, from its humble beginnings to its profound impact on American musical culture. In nine insightful chapters, readers are invited to delve into the soulful world of Southern Gospel. The book provides a unique lens into the genre’s transformative power, its enduring legacy, and the personal stories of faith that resonate behind every harmony paired with insights from the life and styling of Peg McKamey, comparing her career against American musical history.

“HARMONIES OF FAITH” is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the depth and breadth of Southern Gospel Music and its timeless influence on both music and spirituality.


This book reads more like a textbook or reference book than what I was expecting. It is packed full of history and weaves American history and Southern Gospel into a beautiful tapestry.

I received this book free from the author, publisher, or other source. My only obligation is to provide a fair and honest review.


  1. That sounds like a really interesting book. I find hymns to be very inspirational and pure poetry in many cases. I assumed the Southern Gospel Music you are referring to was born of the hardships of people, but on looking up the term it seems that it has many definitions and can refer to traditional white or black gospel songs–or both.

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